


Training & Development


Internally within Sama we manage the payroll for owr own employess, This has given us a great insight into payroll management, Over the years we have invested in qualified resources and latest technology to make the process more effective and fully compliant, We are currently offering services to leading clients in the region.
​Outsourcing can help in:
  • Payroll processing
  • Payment conseling and guidance
  • Management of employes expenses
  • Leave management including update on accured and consumed leave
  • Bonus, overtime, Incentives, social and medical insurance management
  • Automated alert of Visa or passport expiry date
"We tailor the optimal recruitment process for your business to ensure that you hire the right person for the job."
​​People Assessment  
Assessment Centers are the techniques used to assess and develop organizations; employees and candidates.
Sama Development Human Capital Solutions assesses people through different Assessment Tools such as tests and exercises, to induce certain behaviors which reflect on an organization's or an individual's required skills and competencies for development or internal and external hiring.
Training and Development
Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive HR services that combine the in - depth knowledge of our specialists for the following areas: Management Consultancy, Employee Mobility, Performance Management, HR
effectiveness, Polices and Procedures, and Customer Relation Management.
Development and Training Needs Analysis 
​The results of this analysis include information regarding
competencies and performance needs which are crucial for delivering the objectives of a particular professional role
360 degree assessment
In running the 360° degree feedback process, we can assist you with Process and tools design and administration, data analysis, individual report generation and Action recommendation


Competency development Programs
  In cooperation with you, we define behavioral competencies and their levels which are critical for successful performance in your company